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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

OK ... Determined to be Thrilled!

So I've checked the A-100 boards and it seems that a Final Suitability Review takes an average of two weeks, but can run as long as five months. The common advice to nail biters is not to assume that a lengthy stay in FSR is tantamount to failure.

Oh, well ...

I've decided not to go right into worrying about it. I'm going to give myself at least 24 hours to thoroughly enjoy the news about getting clearance.

I will not -- I absolutely will not -- go right on to obsessing about FSR!

Oy vey!


Digger January 19, 2011 at 12:57 PM  

I just realized I hadn't added you to my blogroll of Future FS blogs, so I just fixed that.

Hope the next steps pass quickly and that you get the call soon!

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About the Author

I'm a novelist and former news writer. I'm also single mom with one child at home and one in college. I spent 15 years overseas, returned to the States several years ago. I've always wanted to join the Foreign Service -- (Doesn't that sound trite?) -- and now think it would be a wonderful time to do so.


The views and opinions expressed in this blog represent those of the author, and not of the United States Government or any of its agencies or officials therein. All information disclosed in this blog is non-sensitive and readily available in the public domain.

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