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Monday, May 30, 2011

Bad News

The last time I posted, one of my commentators brought up the possibility of a November class. That news cheered me. However, today someone on the A-100 board brought this to our attention. It's a quote from the State Department's career forum:
At this point,  there is no A-100 class scheduled for October 2011.  Our last A-100 class of this fiscal year will begin Sept. 12.    The class following that is scheduled for early 2012.

The schedule could always change based on budget and hiring authorizations,  but that's where things currently stand.
So it's the September class, or bust, for this calendar year, anyway.

My concern isn't just for myself, though. It's for the people whose candidacy will automatically terminate this year. Every now and then I see an anguished message on the board, as in the one by the person who quoted the State Department forum message. I feel for him and know that I could one day be standing in his shoes.

When I first started this process, a waiting term of 18 months seemed so generous, but at that time, people with even 5.4s were receiving invitations within four to six months of landing on the list. Now, 18 months seems like the shortest time in the world.


Alex June 1, 2011 at 11:46 AM  

Ugh. But also remember how they were telling everyone they'd canceled the May class, and then it ended up happening after all. Things definitely change. Hang in there!

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About the Author

I'm a novelist and former news writer. I'm also single mom with one child at home and one in college. I spent 15 years overseas, returned to the States several years ago. I've always wanted to join the Foreign Service -- (Doesn't that sound trite?) -- and now think it would be a wonderful time to do so.


The views and opinions expressed in this blog represent those of the author, and not of the United States Government or any of its agencies or officials therein. All information disclosed in this blog is non-sensitive and readily available in the public domain.

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